Our Election Integrity Project is supported by the published research that has been conducted on election administration, technology, and policy in recent years. Here we summarize that work.
Recent books:
The primary approaches that our research team uses to study election integrity were presented in our 2020 Cambridge University Press book, Securing American Elections. This book was a collaboration between Project PI R. Michael Alvarez, Nicholas Adams-Cohen, Seo-young Silvia Kim and Yimeng Li.
Other books that provide important background for our election integrity research include Election Fraud: Detecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation, co-edited by R. Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall, and Susan Hyde and Confirming Elections: Creating Confidence and Integrity through Election Auditing, co-edited by R. Michael Alvarez, Lonna R. Atkeson, and Thad E. Hall.
Recent published research articles on election integrity:
Mitchell Linegar, Betsy Sinclair, Sander van der Linden and R. Michael Alvarez. Prebunking Elections Rumors: Artificial Intelligence Assisted Interventions Increase Confidence in American Elections. Preprint.
Mitchell Linegar and R. Michael Alvarez. American Views About Election Fraud in 2024. Frontiers in Political Science, Forthcoming.
Seo-young Silvia Kim, Akhil Bandreddi, and R. Michael Alvarez. Partisanship is why people vote in person in a pandemic. Social Science Quarterly 2024.
Zhuofang Li, Jian Cao, Nicholas Adams-Cohen, and R. Michael Alvarez. The effect of misinformation interventions: Evidence from Trump’s Tweets and the 2020 Election. MISDOOM 2023.
Jian Cao, Seo-young Silvia Kim, and R. Michael Alvarez. Bayesian analysis of state voter registration database integrity. Statistics, Politics and Policy 2022.
Yimeng Li, Michelle Hyun, and R. Michael Alvarez. Why do election results change after Election day? The “Blue Shift” in California Elections. Political Research Quarterly 2021.
R. Michael Alvarez, Jian Cao, and Yimeng Li. Voting Experiences, Perceptions of Fraud, and Voter Confidence. Social Science Quarterly, 2021.
Recent policy evaluation studies:
Caliifornia Voter’s Choice Act: Los Angeles County, March Primary 2020 Evaluation. Report for the California Secretary of State.
California Voter’s Choice Act: Los Angeles County, November General 2020 Election. Report for the California Secretary of State.
Assuring Election Integrity: A Comprehensive Ecological Framework for Evaluating Elections in Southern California. 2017-2019 Project Final Report.